Intra Group Data Processing Agreements

As businesses continue to digitally transform, data has become increasingly critical. Companies can collect, store, and analyze data to gain insights and make informed decisions. However, with data comes a responsibility to protect it, particularly when processing personal data. This is where intra-group data processing agreements come in.

What is an Intra-Group Data Processing Agreement?

An intra-group data processing agreement (DPA) is a legally binding document between different entities within a company group that outlines how personal data is processed, shared, and protected. This agreement is necessary when personal data is transferred between different entities within the same group, such as subsidiaries, joint ventures, or parent companies.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires that companies ensure adequate safeguards are in place for such transfers of personal data. Intra-group DPAs are one such safeguard. They also help ensure compliance with other privacy and data protection regulations around the world.

Why is an Intra-Group Data Processing Agreement Important?

An intra-group DPA is important for several reasons:

1. Compliance with Data Protection Laws

Intra-group DPAs help companies comply with data protection laws. Today, many countries have their own data protection laws that companies must follow, such as the GDPR in Europe and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States. These laws often require that companies take specific steps to protect personal data, including ensuring that data transferred between different entities within a company is adequately protected.

2. Ensuring that Personal Data is Used Ethically

Intra-group DPAs can help companies ensure that personal data is used ethically. This means that the data is used only for its intended purpose and is collected and processed in a transparent way. An intra-group DPA outlines how personal data is used and shared between different entities within a company, which can help ensure that this data is used ethically.

3. Protecting Company Reputation

Data breaches can damage a company`s reputation and result in legal and financial consequences. An intra-group DPA helps protect a company`s reputation by ensuring that personal data is processed and transferred securely and in compliance with data protection laws.

How to Draft an Intra-Group Data Processing Agreement

When drafting an intra-group DPA, several things should be taken into consideration:

1. Identify the Data Being Transferred

It is important to identify the personal data being transferred between entities within the company. This can include data such as names, addresses, and email addresses, as well as more sensitive information like medical records and financial information.

2. Outline the Purposes of Processing

The purposes of processing should be clearly outlined in the intra-group DPA. This includes why personal data is being processed, how it will be used, and who will have access to it. This information must be transparent and communicated to data subjects.

3. Define Security Measures

The intra-group DPA should outline the security measures in place to protect personal data from unauthorized access, theft, or loss. This includes physical security measures, such as secure data centers, as well as technical measures like encryption.

4. Detail Data Subject Rights

It is important to detail the rights that data subjects have with respect to the processing of their personal data. These rights may include the right to access their data, the right to have their data deleted, and the right to object to processing.

5. Define Data Retention Periods

The DPA should also define how long personal data will be retained by each entity within the group and when it will be deleted. This helps ensure that personal data is not stored longer than necessary.


An intra-group DPA is an essential document for companies that transfer personal data between different entities within the same group. It helps ensure compliance with data protection laws, protects personal data, and enables companies to use data ethically. By outlining how personal data is processed and transferred between entities within a company, businesses can build trust with customers and protect their reputation.