Cplr Settlement Agreement

CPRL Settlement Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

If you`re a part of the legal industry, you`ve probably heard about the CPRL settlement agreement. But what is it exactly, and why is it important? In this article, we`ll explore everything you need to know about this agreement.

What is the CPRL Settlement Agreement?

The CPRL settlement agreement is an agreement that was reached between the New York State Attorney General and the owners of a chain of gas stations and convenience stores called CPRL (which stands for Chevron Petroleum Real Estate Limited). The agreement was signed in 2019 and required CPRL to pay $2 million in penalties and restitution.

What Was the Issue?

CPRL was accused of engaging in fraudulent practices related to the sale of gas at its stations. Specifically, CPRL was accused of advertising discounts on gasoline to customers who paid with cash, but then not providing those discounts. Additionally, CPRL was accused of charging sales tax on the full price of gasoline, instead of on the discounted price that customers were supposed to receive.

The investigation into CPRL`s practices began in 2017, and initially focused on just a few of CPRL`s gas stations. However, the investigation expanded to cover all of CPRL`s locations, which numbered in the hundreds.

Why Is the CPRL Settlement Agreement Important?

The CPRL settlement agreement is important for a few reasons. First, it represents a victory for consumers who were potentially harmed by CPRL`s practices. By requiring CPRL to pay restitution, the agreement helps to ensure that customers who paid more than they were supposed to for gas will be compensated.

Second, the agreement sends a message to other companies that engage in similar practices. The New York State Attorney General`s office has made it clear that such practices will not be tolerated, and that companies engaged in them will be held accountable.

Finally, the agreement highlights the importance of transparency and fairness in business practices. By requiring CPRL to provide accurate pricing information to customers and to charge the correct amount of sales tax, the agreement helps to ensure that consumers are treated fairly and that businesses are held accountable for their actions.


Overall, the CPRL settlement agreement is an important development in the legal industry. By requiring CPRL to pay restitution and penalties, the agreement helps to ensure that consumers are treated fairly and that businesses are held accountable for their actions. Additionally, the agreement sends a message to other companies that engage in similar practices that such behavior will not be tolerated. As a result, consumers can have greater confidence in the fairness and transparency of business practices going forward.